Here are the cheats to becoming a Tour Guide on Club Penguin!
1. Walk over to the Ski Village.
2. Check to make sure your penguin is over 45 days old!
3. Now click on the Tour Guide Booth.
4. You will mow have to take the Tour Guide Test. Luckily, I have posted all of the answers and questions right here for you! :D
So here are the answers to all of the questions!
How many sled-racing courses are there?
How does the pink puffle play?
Skips with skipping rope
Skips with skipping rope
What is the name of the big fish in ice fishing?
What day does the newspaper come out?
Which of these games has a shark in it?
Jet pack adventure
Jet pack adventure
What color of puffle can catch on fire?
How many coins does it cost to buy a player card background?
What is thrown out of the truck in level 4 of bean counters?
In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin Times?
Boiler Room
Boiler Room
What is the name of Captain Rockhopper’s ship?
The Migrator
The Migrator
Which of these rooms does not have a game in it?
Which room has a cuckoo clock?
Ski Lodge
Ski Lodge
How do you get a pin?
Click on it
Click on it
Which of these places doesn’t have music playing in the background?
Pet ShopOnce you are done, you will receive the Tour Guide hat! You will also be able to look through the Tour Guide Book for advice and help! :D
Pet ShopOnce you are done, you will receive the Tour Guide hat! You will also be able to look through the Tour Guide Book for advice and help! :D
Here are the cheats to becoming a ninja on Club Penguin!
1. Walk over to the Dojo.
2. If you are new, then you might want to look at the Legend.
3. You start as a White belt and work your way up to a Black belt. Then, you will challenge Sensei!
4. To start, walk over to Sensei.
5. Click "Yes' when the screen appears.
6. Now click on 'Earn your belts.'
7. Now you will be in battle! If you don't already know the rule, here they are:
*Fire Beats Ice
*Ice Beats Water
*Water Beats Fire
*If you both play the same element, the highest number wins!
8. If you are confused or have forgotten the rules, just click the Question Mark at the top! :)
9. As you progress, you will earn more and more belts. When you finally earn your Black belt, go challenge Sensei! If you win, he will give you the Ninja Mask and you will officially be a Ninja! :D
I hope this guide has helped you become a Ninja.
Here is how you become an EPF Agent on Club Penguin!
1. Go to the Everyday Phoning Facility in the Ski Village.
2. Then, click on the screen.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen.
4. Once you hit the target, the test begins!
5. Now walk to the green square that appears.
6. You will then have to race across to the red square. Try to do this as fast as you can!
7. Once you reach the red square, walk off when the screen tells you too. After this test, you will have to hide from the security cameras. If you haven't noticed yet, Camera 2 is right next to the screen. Camera 1 can see everything. But just try your best in hiding; Camera 1 will ALWAYS find you! :3
8. This next challenge is a bit tricky. The screen will tell you to walk onto the blue square that appears. Whatever you do, DON'T DO IT!!
The screen will try to tempt you, but don't listen.
Its also kind of obvious its a trap because this shows up on the screen before the trap:
However if you DO manage to walk onto the blue square, just throw a snowball at the power box.
Once you complete all this, you are officially an EPF Agent! Walk through the EPF Elevator to go to HQ! :D
I hope this guide has helped you become an EPF Agent!
How to become a Fire Ninja!
Hello penguins! Here are the cheats on becoming a Fire Ninja on Club Penguin!
1. Walk over to the Dojo Courtyard and enter the Ninja Hideout. (You must be a ninja)
2. If you are a member, click on the Martial Artworks Catalog and buy the Amulet for 200 coins.
3. Now, click on the Fire Dojo Tablet and enter the door that appears.
4. Now you are in the Fire Dojo. Walk over to Sensei and click on him. Then click 'Yes.'
5. Now here's a secret. If you bring your black puffle with you, you will get this message from Sensei:
Now click 'Earn your Fire Suit.'
6. So here is how you play Card-Jitsu Fire. This is similar to Card-Jitsu Water, but different in many ways. Like Card-Jitsu Water, Card-Jitsu Fire can have up to 4 players, including you. Now here is the start up screen.
So you each start off with 6 energy. If you win a match, you keep your energy. If you lose a match, you lose one energy. The player to have the most energy wins.
When it is your turn, all of the stones will turn light green. Just randomly pick one and then it will single out to two stones, one with their own symbol. However, sometimes the symbols are the same and you just pick one. :P Now let's say I pick the Ice Symbol, then my opponent and I will have to battle with Ice. Whoever has the highest Ice Card wins. So if I have an Ice card 6 power and my opponent has an Ice card 3 power, I would win that match. Here are the stones:
These stones are where you can gain energy. There are two, each facing North and South. These stones are just like regular Card-Jitsu and whoever wins gets one energy!
These stones are where you can pick any element you choose.
Then, you battle your opponent with that element!
So you and your opponent will battle it out until one of you goes to 0 energy and that person would lose! As you can see, I have won this battle with Sensei! :)
Here are all the items you can earn:
1. Flame Sandals
2. Magma Coat
3. Lava Mask
4. Fiery Helmet
Like Card-Jitsu Water, the Magma Coat and Flame Sandals will be the hardest to earn.
Once you earn all of these items, go and Challenge Sensei. It won't be an easy battle! xD
When you win, Sensei will give you the Fire Gem!
And like before, when you press 'W' on your keyboard, you become invisible! Also, when you press 'D' on your keyboard, you control fire!
I hope this guide has helped you become a Fire Ninja!
How to become a Water Ninja!
Hello penguins! Here are the cheats on becoming a Water Ninja on Club Penguin!
1. Walk over to the Dojo Courtyard and enter the Ninja Hideout. (You must be a ninja)
2. If you are a member, click on the Martial Artworks Catalog and buy the Amulet for 200 coins.
3. Now, click on the Water Dojo Tablet and enter the door that appears.
4. Now you are in the Water Dojo. Walk over to Sensei and click on him. Then click 'Yes.'
5. Click 'Earn your Water Suit.
6. Here is the confusing part. To win in Card Jitsu Water, you have to reach the gong before your opponent does. If you are too slow, you will fall off the waterfall and lose.
You can have up to three opponents in a game, including you would be 4 penguins in one game. You move forward, you have the look for a card near the bottom to defeat the element on the tablet in front of you. All of the green tablets are the ones you can move on.
So lets say that you have a fire tablet in front of you. Then, you would pick a water card and throw it onto the tablet. Here's the catch: Don't throw the same element onto the same tablet! If you have a water tablet in front of you, don't throw a water card onto it! It will just make you slower. But a Power Card will make it faster for you, so remember to save your Power Cards.
Once you reach the gong first, a giant wave will knock all of your opponents down the waterfall!
When you win, check on your progress to see how much longer until your receive your next clothing item.
There are four items you can receive.
1. Wave Sandals
2. Waterfall Coat
3. Torrent Mask
4. Helmet of Oceans
The Torrent Mask and Helmet of Oceans will take the longest to receive so have patience!
When you are finally receive all of your items, go up to Sensei and Challenge him to a battle! If you win, you are now officially a Water Ninja! Sensei also gives you the Water Gem to put onto your Amulet. As you can see, I have the Fire Gem and the Water Gem. :D
There are also some special moves you can perform when you become a Water Ninja!
1. If you press "W' on your keyboard, you will become invisible!
2. If you press 'D' on your keyboard, you will harness the waves of the ocean! (In other words, you perform a water move xD)
I'm glad if this guide has helped you become a Water Ninja!
Please Note: All of the content above (Guides) are by Poonchee! All credit goes To Poonchee. Copy Right ©